2017 XC90 T6 AWD Momentum2017 XC90 T6 AWD Momentum

28 999 $

Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
Volvo  T6 AWD Momentum
18 Images

Prix disclaimer : Les taxes, les frais de permis et autres frais ne sont pas inclus dans les prix indiqués ci-dessous. Le kilométrage est enregistré au moment de la lecture.
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Non-responsabilité relativement au kilométrage : Les taux réels varient selon les options, les conditions et les habitudes de conduite et l’état du véhicule.

97,800 km
Boîte de vitesses
Couleur extérieure
Savile Grey Met
Numéro de stock

Explore the exceptional 2017 Volvo XC90 T6 Momentum in Savile Grey with Amber Leather. This sought-after SUV has passed its safety inspection and is prepared for new owners. Equipped with outstanding features like the Momentum Plus Package, Vision Package, Climate Package with heated windscreen, and stylish metallic paint, this XC90 is primed to elevate your driving experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to own a Volvo XC90 that combines elegance, safety, and advanced technology. Our advertised price does not include $695 Documentation Fee and $799 VIP Package. We do not keep all vehicles on site. Please call ahead and confirm vehicle is available for viewing. Save time, money, and frustration with our transparent, no hassle pricing. Using the latest technology, we shop the competition for you and price our pre-owned vehicles to give you the best value, upfront, every time and back it up with a free market value report so you know you are getting the best deal! Every Pre-Owned vehicle at Volvo Cars Richmond goes through a high quality, rigorous cosmetic and mechanical safety inspection. We ensure and promise you will not be disappointed in the quality and condition of our inventory. We are happy to provide a free CarFax Vehicle History report is available on every vehicle in our inventory. We offer financing options for most of our quality Pre-Owned Vehicles. Volvo Cars Richmond is located at 338-10700 Cambie Road Richmond British Columbia. We are taking every precaution to keep our staff and customers safe. If you prefer not to visit the dealership, we can bring the car to you if you live in Richmond! We also offer video consultations to help guide you through your purchase. CALL 604-323-2222 or submit a request to schedule a video consultation with one of our sales representatives today!
  • Groupe Climat
    • Buses de lave-glace chauffantes
    • Sièges arrière chauffants
    • Volant chauffant
    • Pare-brise chauffant
  • Ensemble Momentum Plus
    • 12" Driver Display
    • Lave-phare haute pression
    • Phares à DEL directionnels actifs. feux de route adaptatifs
    • Éclairage intérieur de haut niveau
  • Peinture métallisée
    • Gris Savile Métallisé 492
  • Ensemble Vision
    • Assistance visuelle au stationnement
    • Rétroviseurs extérieurs rétractables électriquement
    • Rétroviseurs extérieurs et intérieur à gradation automatique
    • Système d'information sur les angles morts (BLIS)
Coordonnées du concessionnaire